Did Battery no.2 provide paranormal activity?

Battery no.2 may not be the biggest venue but it packs a good punch when it comes to paranormal activity.

Last night we descended into the Battery which houses the Diving Museum on Stokes Bay, Gosport

The activity left many astounded. Splitting off into groups you would normally expect different results but not in this case! Without communicating and with no historical talk at the start, the results came thick and fast and each group appeared to get the same!

Three groups all got remarkable information from ‘spirits’ in the middle section. 12 ghosts who all died in a mine incident in Southampton waters who described being bombed and killed during the Second World War in 1945. So descriptive we got each of their names and very specific information about the incident.

They also gave a boat name simply known as ’89’. This could be possible as many vessels in the war area were named this way to hide the real identity.

Several people from different groups also said they witnessed a lady dressed in white walking in the same corridor, but we were unable to find out more.

There was also the spirit of a man called James who came forward and in the main museum played all sorts of tricks during the table tipping experiment where the table continued to move and for some strange reason like to stay raised in the air on one side.

Research by Colleen afterwards revealed a striking story about a Diver called James whose story appeared to match the information gained from the table experiment.

There was so much activity that we need to research and we will keep you informed of our findings!

A huge thank you to the Diving Museum, our customers and team for a great evening!

Portsmouth Ghost Tour set for August

Get ready for a red hot summer with out chilling Portsmouth Ghost Tour which returns on Tuesday August 6th to Old Portsmouth.

With the kids summer holidays in full swing this is an event that you don’t want to miss with blood curdling accounts including the ghosts of the Duke of Buckingham and his murderer John Felton which happened at Buckingham House and the strange mystery of Buster Krabb and his ghost at the Sally Port.

When it comes to Old Portsmouth it certainly has its fair share of ghostly residents, executions and so much more. The tour even includes the story of Jack the Painter and his failed attempt to set the Dockyard on fire!

This tour includes live actors, scares, scream and entertainment. Its bound to be busy so we recommend booking in advance to avoid missing out!

Did we also mention that it starts inside the Dolphin, Portsmouth’s oldest pub?

Tickets on sale now!

Windsor Ghost Tour success

Windsor Ghost Tour continues its success with last nights sold out tour!

We had customers from Thailand, Belgium, Denmark and the UK who came along to uncover Windsor’s ghost stories.

There is so much to find out on our ghost tour from the many ghosts of the castle to Peascod Street what makes Windsor so haunted?

It’s a place steeped in history and it’s seen a lot of tragic events. One tower of the castle was even nicknamed ‘Death tower, because anyone who entered never came out alive!

Whilst another is known as curfew tower where unlucky residents were executed and their remains left on show to the public to make a statement!

But it’s not just the castle, curfew house, 1 Thames Street, Sir Christopher Wren Hotel, the Theatre and more are home to ghostly residents.

Even the castle has nice ghosts courtesy of the many royals who haunt it!

The stories don’t just stop at ghosts, even an alleged vampire known as Benjamin Spong, given the name because if his strange obsession for eating cats!

On last nights tour we were also joined by Facebook group Windsor newbies and a Dog called Barkley who was re-homed from Cyprus!

You can find out all about the ghost stories by getting your tickets to our Windsor Ghost Tour.

IOW paranormal delights!

The Isle of Wight has a reputation when it comes to haunted places! In fact, it has been dubbed ‘Ghost Island’.

But what makes the island so haunted? Since separating from the main land around 10,000 years ago the island has since so much history.

Last week we headed across the Solent to the Island and checked out some of its haunted venue and to help us, we attended the Isle of Wight Ghost Walk Experience not once…..but twice!

We learnt so much! Ventnor Botanic Gardens was our first stop. At first, my thought was, how can a Botanic Garden be haunted? Ah, you see, it was once home to a large hospital for those with TB,

Whilst plenty died, those who survived were made to work in the gardens whilst recovering. There’s also the addition of a very spooky tunnel! The hospital is now the site of the Botanic Garden Car park.

But hold up! There’s so much more! How about Carisbrook castle where people have come across the spirit of King Charles I who was imprisoned here. He tried to explain twice and failed, once getting caught in the bars!

Hes not alone! How about Princess Beatrice, the youngest daughter of Queen Victoria who made this castle her home. Her spirit is also seen here.

But lets face it, you cant mention IOW without is most well known building. The holiday home of one Queen Victoria and the very place she died. So I guess that explains why people have seen her apparition.

These are just a few of the haunts that inhabit the Island but you can view videos on our Youtube page!